Muse Research Receptor - artists

Arturo Ortiz
Music Director for Ricky Martin

en español

"After being off the road for couple of years, and exploring all the new software technologies for music making, I've found it difficult to imagine dealing with hardware keyboards again while touring. I'm still not an advocate of using computers to run Virtual Instruments for Live gigs, because of road-worthiness, but the truth is that the quality and variety of virtual instruments surpasses hardware options in ways that are mind-boggling."

"And then along came Receptor, an open system where you decide how you want things to sound, so you're not attached to any manufacturer's sounds in particular. Receptor was designed for musicians as well as being designed specifically- but not particularly- for the road. Equally friendly in the studio, the guys at Muse have come up with something that deserves serious consideration, if you're serious about what you do, of course! Support is nothing less than impeccable, OS updates are constantly improving the features, and new plug-ins are always being supported. So, what else can you ask for? For me, Receptor is a dream come true!"

"Four of these babies are on our rig, serving different purposes, including one for the drummer, one for the percussionist, and two for myself. These units, are already serving their intended purpose, but believe or not, everyday I keep on exploring, and discovering new ways with them. My guitar player, David Cabrera, and my Keyboard tech and guru, Michael Bernard, are beginning to lust over some units for themselves as well."

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